HA17393B is dual comparators designed for general purpose, especially for power control systems. This IC operates from a single power-supply voltage over a wide range of voltages. Operation from split power supply current is also possible and the low power supply current drain is independent of the magnitude of the power supply voltage. These comparators have the merit which ground is included in the common-mode input voltage range at a single-voltage power supply operation.
Ordering Information
Type No. |
Application |
Package Code (Package Name) |
HA17393B |
Commercial use |
PRDP0008AF-B (DP-8FV) |
HA17393BF |
PRSP0008DE-B (FP-8DGV) | |
HA17393BRP |
PRSP0008DD-C (FP-8DCV) |
Note: This product is designed for consumer use and not for automotive.
Pin Arrangement